The PhasAGE Kick-off Meeting (KOM) was held on 5th February 2021 as an online event organized by IBMC/i3S. The meeting had two sessions: a closed session for PhasAGE participants only; a public session opened to the scientific community with talks from speakers with expertise on biomolecular phase transitions.
During the morning session, the project coordinator presented an overview of the project followed by presentations of the work packages by each leader. The partners engaged in scientific and technical discussions regarding the project timeline and activities for the first year.
The public session was attended by 150-200 participants and covered topics on biomolecular phase separations in biology and disease. The programme started with a plenary talk with the invited speaker Dorothee Dorman (LMU Muenchen, Germany). It also included presentations from PhasAGE partners: Peter Tompa (VIB, Belgium); Ludo Van Den Bosch (VIB, Belgium); Salvador Ventura (UAB, Spain) and Monika Fuxreiter (UniPD, Italy).
The public session programme can be consulted here.