PhasAGE – Excellence Hub on Phase Transitions in Aging and Age-Related Disorders


PhasAGE invites you to apply for the PhasAGE Conference Fellowships to support your attendance at conferences taking place in 2023.



The call for applications is closed!

Selected candidates will receive a fellowship for attending conferences taking place from June to December 2023. 

A list of suggested conferences taking place in the first semester of 2023 is shown below. PhasAGE is also accepting applications for attendance in other International Conferences within the scope of PhasAGE scientific topics.  Applications for the conference fellowships should be submitted to PhasAGE 30 days before the abstract submission deadline for each meeting. 


CONFERENCE name location Conference Dates Application Deadline
Surrey, UK
9 – 11 Oct 2023
9 August 2023
Rome, Italy
18 – 19 Oct 2023
18 August 2023
EMBL Heidelberg, Germany
6 – 9 Dec 2023
25 Oct 2023

Before applying, please download and consult the eligibility criteria and conditions described below. 

Eligibility and Conditions:

1. CFs are exclusively reserved for PhasAGE team members with a primary affiliation in one of the participating partner’s institutions (PhasAGE consortium).

2. The applicants must present their research work as a poster or oral presentation at the conference.

3. The main topic of the research work should be included in the PhasAGE scientific topics.

4. Fellowships should be used to cover the advanced registration to the event. Extra expenses will not be eligible.


The candidates must prepare in advance the following documents in pdf format and apply for the conference fellowships 30 days prior the abstract sumission deadline for each meeting: 

  • Filled-in CF application form
  • Abstract to be submitted for the conference
  • Short curriculum vitae – biosketch format (max 2 pages)
  • Covering letter expressing the interest to attend the selected conference

To apply please send all the documents to in advance. You should write “PhasAGE Conference Fellowships 2023 – application [your name]” in the subject line.  


For more information, consult the following document: 

Guidelines and conditions for PhasAGE Conference Fellowships 2023

Evaluation Panel: Sandra Ribeiro (IBMC/i3S), Catarina Ferreira (IBMC/i3S), and Salvador Ventura (UAB) 

Feedback from selected candidates

"I would like to thank the PhasAGE project for awarding me the PhasAGE conference fellowship. I had the chance to attend and present my work at the biggest conference of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology in the world. It gave me the opportunity to meet colleagues from around the globe and attend great scientific talks about the latest advances in many research fields. One of the topics most discussed during the conference is the applications of natural language processing models in different research areas, such as protein function and structure prediction, as well as the prediction of the effect of variants on protein function and disease."

Alexander Monzon Postdoctoral researcher (UniPD) | Attendee at the ISMB/ECCB 2023