PhasAGE – Excellence Hub on Phase Transitions in Aging and Age-Related Disorders
research and innovation
PhasAGE is committed to leverage the research and innovation capacity of IBMC/i3S – the coordinating institute. A mentorship program will be implemented through a series of twinning and training actions between the institutions of the consortium. IBMC/i3S will identify, adapt and adopt international best practices in R&I management while increasing the attractiveness and competitiveness for funding of all partners and beyond.
Timeline for Research and Innovation

R&I Kick-off Meeting
5 July 2021
Event organized by IBMC/i3S R&I officers to meet and greet R&I managers from partner institutions and to share each institutional R&I organization for benchmarking.
Online platform with a set of resources to increase networking and R&I visibility including funding opportunities and collaborative partners.
Mentorship Program
November 2021 - present
Program to leverage R&I management by matching mentors from the partner institutions with mentees from the coordinating institution.
R&I Staff Exchange
February 2021 - present
Capacity building workshops and short term visits to institutional partners for improvement of R&I strategies at the host institution.
R&I Winter School
18 October 2023
Final meeting with R&I officers from the consortium institutions to share and discuss R&I management trends in Grant/Funding management, Tech Transfer, IP Management, Ethics, and Career Development.