All Hands Meeting “Machine Learning and Protein Structural Disorder”

This meeting aims at the description of the relationships between IDPs by combining experimental data and ML approaches, as a necessary and timely step to understand their evolution, function and structural ensembles properties, as well as raise awareness about IDPs in the scientific community which have been biassed on globular proteins for many years.

Algorithms in Structural Bioinformatics Winter School on Intrinsic Disorder in Proteins

The Algorithms in Structural Bioinformatics school, now in its 8th edition, focuses on novel or recent theoretical approaches in structural bioinformatics in the largest sense. Leading researchers from institutes around the world are invited to provide lectures together with hands-on practical courses. A fundamental goal of the school is to facilitate an algorithmic view of these ideas in order to identify new directions for exploration.

Protein Aggregation Training School

The main goal of this training school is to provide expertise on fundamental aspects of protein aggregation. The course will cover the impact of this phenomenon on age-related diseases, how it can be targeted, and its implications for the biotechnological production of proteins.