In a remarkable demonstration of international cooperation and knowledge exchange, the PhasAGE Research and Innovation (R&I) Leap Forward Winter School brought together research innovators from the three partner institutions of the consortium. This one-day event was organized at the Institute for Research and Innovation in Health Sciences (i3S, Portugal), in the beautiful city of Porto. The event was an example of the exceptional success of cross-border collaborations and the impact of sharing expertise among widening and leading partners of Horizon 2020 Twinning funding schemes.
The event kicked off with welcoming words from Claudio Sunkel, director of i3S. Rui Munhá, science officer at FCT and national contact point coordinator for Widening in Horizon Europe, opened the scientific discussion by sharing some general remarks about the Portuguese participation in research funding programmes funded by the European Union.

During the PhasAGE R&I Winter School, officers from the University of Padova (UniPD, Italy) and the Flemish Institute for Biotechnology (VIB, Belgium) shared their wealth of knowledge and expertise with colleagues from the i3S. The event was a resounding success, with attendees benefiting from insights on a diverse range of topics including grant application management, translational research, and ethical considerations in research.

A Pathway to Success in Grant Application Management
One of the key highlights of the event was the comprehensive insight and knowledge shared by experts from UniPD on grant application management. Laura Drigo and Barbara Mantelli shared invaluable strategies and best practices adopted by UniPD, which have been implemented in the last years by the University for securing funding and driving innovative research forward. This knowledge transfer promises to impact not only the participating institutions but also the broader research community.
Bridging the Gap in Translational Research and IP Management
Valorization of translational research was addressed with an eye toward practical implementation. Frederik Van Leemputte and Griet Den Herder from the VIB elucidated the importance of bridging the gap between scientific discoveries and their application in real-world scenarios. They also shared important insights about IP management in research. Participants gain knowledge and a clearer understanding of how translational research can transform the healthcare landscape and contribute to advancing science and research for the benefit of society as a whole.

Crossing the Complexities of Integrity and Ethics in Science
More than ever, ethics and integrity in research are of paramount importance. René Custers shared how VIB promotes the best environment for responsible research and development by providing specific training actions on this topic to VIB’s scientific community. René Custers and Susana Magalhães, Head of the Unit for Responsible Conduct in Research in i3S, shared how both institutes are fully committed to supporting their scientific community in achieving science-based responsible research and innovation.

The welcome session with Claudio Sunkel and Rui Munhá. René Custers from VIB. Participants in the fundraising open session.
Future perspectives and main challenges on institutional fundraising for research
The Fundraising – Opportunities & Challenges session was co-organized by the ERA Chair projects ImmunoHUB and MOBILIsE from i3S. In this open session, a panel of national experts in the field of fundraising discussed important insights with the i3S community, towards a strategic implementation of an institutional fundraising program.
The success of this event showcases the power of collaboration and the willingness of institutions to come together and share knowledge. As the world faces complex challenges in various fields, these types of international round tables are important for driving progress and innovation. The PhasAGE R&I Winter School not only served as a capacitation platform but also sustained a long-lasting international partnership. The exchange of knowledge between UniPD, VIB, and i3S promises to yield institutional support for groundbreaking research and discoveries in the years to come. After this event, we can only anticipate even greater strides in scientific discovery and innovation at IBMC/i3S, the PhasAGE coordinating institution.
More information about the PhasAGE Winter School 2023 program can be consulted here.
The PhasAGE R&I Leap Forward Winter School was organized within the framework of the PhasAGE Work Package 5 – Leaping Forward Research and Innovation Management.