PhasAGE – Excellence Hub on Phase Transitions in Aging and Age-Related Disorders


Repository of computational resources and experimental protocols – websites, databases, and prediction algorithms tools – for the study of protein phase separation. Part of these computational tools and databases were developed by members of the PhasAGE consortium in a collaborative effort to advance computational and structural biology and bioinformatics research. 


Proteins driving liquid-liquid phase separation in living cells

Protein intrinsic disorder annotation

Protein disorder and mobility annotations

Annotated tandem repeat protein structures

Fuzzy protein complexes

Structure-based predictions of protein aggregation (human proteome)

Cryptic Amyloidogenic Regions in Intrinsically Disordered Proteins


Protein ensemble database,  including intrinsically disordered proteins

3D protein structure based on amino acid sequence

Phase separation (PS) proteins and Membraneless organelles (MLOs) related proteins

Experimentally validated LLPS related proteins

Protein-protein, protein-RNA and RNA-RNA interactions

Interactions between amyloid proteins

Proteome aggregation predictions in model organisms

Biogenic peptides for inhibiting α-synuclein aggregation

Crowdsourcing condensate database and encyclopedia


Protein liquid-liquid phase separation

Repetitive structures and units in tandem repeat proteins

Amyloid STructural Aggregation

Protein SOlubility based on Disorder and Aggregation 

“Hot spots” of aggregation in polypeptides

Aggregation propensity in protein structures and rational design of protein solubility

Protein disorder over pH for IDPs/IDRs

pH-dependent Aggregation of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins

Impact of mutations on the aggregation propensity of prion-like proteins

Exposed Amyloidogenic Regions (EARs) located within IDRs

Protein disorder as a function of pH and spot folding transitions

Recruitment of prion-like domains (PrLDs) to stress granules upon heat stress


Nucleation and growth kinetics of amyloid and condensates