The III PhasAGE International Conference, which took place at i3S from 18 to 20 October 2023, kicked off with a half-day pre-event workshop dedicated to biotech and the valorisation of research and development in academia.
The event started with some welcoming words from Sandra Ribeiro, the PhasAGE project coordinator, followed by a short note from Peter Tompa, a core researcher from VIB, and one of the partners of the PhasAGE consortium.
Peter shared his own pathway moving from academia to set up a biotech start-up company. He also shared the importance of preparing a good pitch presentation for securing biotech start-up funding from private investors.

The program also featured short presentations from three researchers heading early-stage start-ups from the University of Porto. They received important insights and tips from Peter Tompa and Anke Caβing, principal from a venture capital investor firm and member of the PhasAGE scientific advisory board.

Bringing together scientific experts, biotech owners/representatives and research investors is a promising strategy to level up the translation and valorisation of research in academia. These round-table discussions aspire to shorten the gap between R&D carried out at Universities/Research Institutes and Industry, fostering an optimal collaborative atmosphere for generating novel ideas and tackling fresh challenges.
This event was co-organized by Pedro Martins, senior researcher and PhasAGE member and Hugo Prazeres, head of the Knowledge Transfer Office at i3S.