PhasAGE – Excellence Hub on Phase Transitions in Aging and Age-Related Disorders
research and innovation
PhasAGE is committed to leverage the research and innovation capacity of IBMC/i3S – the coordinating institute. A mentorship program will be implemented through a series of twinning and training actions between the institutions of the consortium. IBMC/i3S will identify, adapt and adopt international best practices in R&I management while increasing the attractiveness and competitiveness for funding of all partners and beyond.

R&I staff exchange FOR Ethics and Integrity
Susana Magalhães (Head of the Unit for Responsible Conduct in Research at i3S) was welcomed by René Custers (Regulatory & Responsible Research manager at VIB). Both are members of the PhasAGE Ethics Advisory Board.
This visit was specifically intended for sharing institutional experiences and information between the research integrity officers. The agenda for discussion included a brief presentation of VIB and i3S strengths in scientific research and responsible research policy, both institutions’ integrity standards, and ethics and integrity training for researchers.

R&I staff exchange for Innovation and Business
André Albergaria and Bárbara Macedo (from the i3S Research Innovation Unit) were welcomed by Frederik Van Leemputte and Jerome Van Biervliet (from the VIB Innovation & Business Unit) within the framework of PhasAGE Research & Innovation staff exchange program.
The VIB Innovation & Business team provided the i3S team with some important notes and institutional strategies for addressing more efficient innovation and health-related business processes.

R&I staff exchange for Research and Innovation
Mónica Marques (former PhasAGE project manager) and Catarina Neves (Team Coordinator of the International Funding Programs at the Research and Innovation Unit at i3S) visited UniPD R&I management and support offices to benchmark the level of organization of this partner and import best practices to IBMC R&I structure.
UniPD officers Laura Drigo (Coordinator of Collaborative Projects Unit at UniPD) and Barbara Mantelli (Research Advisor at UniPD) shared with IBMC/i3S team how the UniPD R&I structure is organized and also some tips to improve the success of IBMC/i3S research funding and grant management.

R&I staff exchange for Career Development
Paula López Pérez (Head of the Career Development Unit at IBMC/i3S) was received by Marta López (responsible of transversal skills training at the Autonomous University of Barcelona Doctoral School).
The UAB team provided information on effective career development strategies used at UAB for training and support in applications for specific fellowships, as well as the development of an internal program to promote the wellbeing of doctoral students using sports and gamification to create space for reflection and dialogue. Paula also gathered suggestions and ideas on how UAB handled the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRSR award) process, which is currently one of the most crucial items on the i3S agenda.

R&I staff exchange for Grant Management
Catarina Neves (Team Coordinator of the International Funding Programs at the Research and Innovation Unit at i3S) welcomed Laura Drigo (Coordinator of the Collaborative Projects Unit at UniPD) and Barbara Mantelli (Research Advisor at UniPD) at i3S to follow up on previous staff exchange.
Laura Drigo and Barbara Mantelli shared with the IBMC/i3S team how the UniPD R&I offices support researchers on grant applications and management. They also share insights to achieve successful research funding, from identifying new opportunities to promoting responsible research and innovation.